The darkness of skin, in any part of the body, happens when the skin starts developing extra melanin. Irrespective of our skin types, anyone can develop dark skin on the knees and elbows. However, people with dark skin, face skin darkening at elbows and knees more. Luckily the problem can be solved easily and here is what experts have to say about it.
Common causes for dark skin on knees and elbows:
As per Dr. Pavithra, a leading dermatologist with Skin Beauty Pal, there are several reasons for skin darkening on the knees and elbows. Some of the prominent reasons for dark knees and elbows are:
1. Darkening caused by friction
2. Sun exposure
3. Dead skin cells
4. Skin conditions.
- When you sit on the floor or rest your elbows on a hard surface frequently, your elbow and knees rub against the hard surface causing friction. This friction can cause the cells to become hard or even die, resulting in dark skin.
- Over sun exposure can also induce skin darkening in different parts of the skin and elbow and knees are common occurrences. Keep the skin covered or use sunscreen when stepping out in the sun.
- Dead cell accumulating is another reason for dark skin and elbows. These areas often rub against a variety of surfaces or are overlooked during scrubbing and grooming sessions allowing the lead skin to collect and show darkness. Frequent scrubbing can allow you to get rid of dead skin cells from the elbow and knees.
A wide range of skin conditions including eczema can also cause dark skin on knees and elbows.

What is the best treatment for dark knees and elbows?
Dr. Pavithra advises taking the right care of the skin around elbows and knees to prevent darkness. There are proven clinical treatments as well for this condition.
A proven remedy for dark knees and elbows is chemical peels. Depending upon the darkness of the skin, the dermatologist will suggest you the right chemical peel option. The right chemical peel can reduce the darkness in these areas significantly. The chemical peels have active ingredients that reduce the darkness of the area along with improving the tone and texture of the skin. The dermatologist will consider a wide range of options to ensure that you are prescribed the best chemical peel.
The right preventive care is also the key to avoid dark knees and elbows. Keeping the skin of knees and elbows well moisturized proves very helpful. Also, using sunscreen is a primary way to avoid the overproduction of melanin in such areas.
If you are exposed to friction on knees and elbows, try to use knee and elbow pads to avoid harsh effects. Using moisturizer on these areas also minimizes the ill effects of friction.
However, if you already have serious darkness of skin on the knees and elbow, it is best to consult a dermatologist right away. We will diagnose the right reason for your problem and advise you on the best treatment for dark knees and elbows.