What gives us a ray of sunshine is that after the scorching heat, it will be rainy again. Majority of people, the monsoon is a great joy. However, the seasonal change is not much of a relief for the skin. The change in weather- rising humidity, wet surroundings, and exposure to moisture-led microorganisms, make monsoon a tricky time for skincare. This means that you need to put some extra effort into maintaining your skin in the best condition.
While this may be tough, there are ways you can care for your skin without stressing yourself out. This guide contains some easy-to-follow monsoon skin care tips that will help you maintain clear, healthy, and clean skin this monsoon season.
1. Ditch the soapy cleanser
The first thing you need to do is switch to a soap-free cleanser. Irrespective of the skin type, soapy cleansers rip off the essential oils in the skin. A soap-free cleanser on the other hand will ensure optimum balance and prevent dry and itchy skin during the rains. Also, limit your facewash to 2-3 times a day and not more.
2. Get the best skin with exfoliation
If you do not let go of the dead skin cells, you will not be able to nourish the new growth. This is why exfoliation is important. You can use a mild agent to exfoliate the skin and remove the dead cells, dirt, and particles. You can try exfoliation at home along with dermatological services like chemical peels and microdermabrasion.
3. Let the makeup rest for a while
Whether it is summer or monsoon, wearing minimal makeup is recommended. Excessive makeup can block the skin pores affecting skin health, complexion, and more. On the other hand, using mild and minimal makeup allows the skin to breathe and stay healthy. Use CC creams instead of foundation, tinted lip balms instead of lipsticks, and plain kajal instead of a whole lot of eye makeup.
4. Continue with sunscreen
Even if the sun is a major absence, you must stick to using an appropriate SPF sunscreen. UV rays can affect the skin significantly, making you look darker and causing sunburn even in monsoon season.
5. Moisturize
While your skin must be producing a lot of oil during the rainy season, it needs help in doing so. It is the right moisturizer that helps the skin in making the required oil for skincare so you must use one.
6. Finish it off with a clay mask
To control the excess oil production, you must finish your skincare regime with a clay mask every day. This will limit oil production while sealing the open pores.
Follow this skincare routine and you will experience healthy and flawless skin during the monsoon season.