Facials help cleanse your skin, giving you a natural glow. When done by an expert using the right skin care products as per skin type, they have many benefits. However, there are pros and cons of this skin care treatment you should be aware of. Dr Shuba Dharmana, a dermatologist, weighs in on them.
Apart from giving your skin its natural glow back, facials when done right has far reaching effects. You get deep pore cleansing benefits from the deep cleansing. Exfoliation ensures dead skin cells are removed from the surface removing dullness. It also lets skin care products penetrate more. The steaming helps to open pores so that blackheads and whiteheads can be removed. The massage promotes blood circulation and delivery of the skin care creams. Some facials also enhance the penetration of active ingredients in the skin creams by using micro currents through equipment such as galvanic or electroporation. The mask that is left on in the end helps to calm the skin and seal moisture so that the skin is well-hydrated. They are perfect to indulge in before a party or event or when you don’t have time for procedures that have down time. Along with a number of pros, you also need to consider the cons before getting one.
Be aware of…
Like every skin treatment, facials too can result in skin allergies if one is not careful. Here’s a checklist you can follow before getting a facial.
Find out more about the products used
Oily and acne prone skin often breaks out if heavy creams are used for the facial or where there is excessive exfoliation. Discuss your skin type and let them use non comedogenic products that do not cause breakouts.
Ask for a patch test
Certain creams may cause allergic reactions and rashes in certain sensitive skin types. You may want to ask for a patch test if you have sensitive skin.
Avoid treatments that don’t agree with you
Steaming and blackhead removal is aggressive for certain skin types and may be painful. Bleaching maybe included as a step in some facials and this may cause problems where skin is sensitive.
Make sure the tools are clean
Tools such as comedone extractor should be thoroughly cleansed and sterilised.
Check on your salon’s hygiene levels
Salon/clinic should look hygienic and towels should be freshly washed.
Let your facialist know of any allergies or concerns
Look for a facialist, who is well reputed and understands the skin type as well as understands the strokes. If you are on retinoid creams or have done any skin care procedure recently discuss with the facialist. Respect the minimum period of recovery and gap your physician advices. Medifacial done in a clinic has several benefits but understand the risks and don’ts such as sun exposure following a photofacial
Use a good sunscreen
Minimize sun exposure by using a good sunscreen with SPF 30 or more.